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郭 军
发布时间: 2021-07-28 浏览次数: 6274

郭 军



主要从事细胞结构张力与疾病发病、治疗机制研究。通过构建角度荧光张力生物探针基因克隆,将活细胞张力变化转换为光学信号,研究退行性神经病变、肿瘤和微重力等高危疾病的物理调控机制。并运用荧光共振能量转移(FRET)技术,构建中药单体筛选细胞平台,揭示传统中药的新药物功效。联合创建的角度荧光张力检测探针获得2015年美国NIH细胞研究创新挑战奖。主持多项国家自然科学基金面上项目、省级重点基金和省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才项目,以第一或通讯作者在Proc Natl Acad Sci USA、Theranostics、Redox Biol、Antioxid Redox Signal、FASEB J 和Mol Neurobiol等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文30余篇,申请PCT专利和中国发明专利6项。



[1] Zhang XL, Li GM, Guo YC, Song Y, Chen LL, Ruan QL, Wang YF, Sun LX, Hu YF, Zhou JL, Ren B, Guo J#. Regulation of ezrin tension by S-nitrosylation mediates non-small cell lung cancer invasion and metastasis. Theranostics 2019; 9(9): 2555-2571.

[2] Zhang JR, Wang YX, Zheng ZH, Sun XH, Chen TT, Li Ch, Zhang XL, Guo J#. Intracellular ion and protein nanoparticle-induced osmotic pressure modify astrocyte swelling and brain edema in response to glutamate stimuli. Redox Biol. 2019; 21: 101112.

[3] Chen TT, Guo YC, Shan JJ, Zhang JR, Shen X, Guo J#, Liu XM. Vector analysis of cytoskeletal structural tension and the mechanisms that underpin spectrin related forces in pyroptosis. Antioxid Redox Sign. 2019; 30(12):1503–1520.

[4] Wang YF, Zhang XL, Tian JL, Shan JJ, Hu YF, Zhai YQ, Guo J#. Talin Promotes Integrin Activation Accompanied by Generation of Tension in Talin and an Increase in Osmotic Pressure in Neurite Outgrowth. FASEB J. 2019; 33(5):6311-6326.

[5] Wang DY, Meng FJ, Ding ZZ, Yang C, PAN Y, Huang BS, Wu HW, Guo J#, Hu Gang. Regulation of intracellular structural tension by talin in the axon growth and regeneration. Mol Neurobiol, 2016; 53(7):4582-95.

[6] Yang C, Zhang X, Guo Y, Meng F, Sachs F, Guo J#. Mechanical dynamics in live cells and fluorescence-based force/tension sensors. BBA mol cell res. 2015; 1853(8):1889-1904.

[7] Guo J, Wang YX, Sachs F, Meng FJ, Actin stress in cell reprogramming. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014;111(49):E5252-61.

[8] Guo J, Sachs F, Meng FJ. Fluorescence Based Force/Tension Sensors, a Novel Tool to Visualize Mechanical Forces in Structural Proteins in Live Cells. Antioxid Redox Signal 2014; 20(6): 986-999. 

[9] Gu LZ, Huang BS, Shen W, Gao L, Ding ZZ, Wu HW, Guo J#. Early activation of N-SMase2 /ceramide pathway in astrocytes is involved in ischemia-associated neuronal damage via inflammation in rat hippocampi. J Neuroinflam 2013, 10:109.

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